
Teacher team



创始人 医学博士

为幼儿健康保驾护航 :

毕业于日本国立东北大学,就职于世界最佳医院圣路加国际医院。 深知体质体能与儿童发育的重要性。 希望将自己的所学所闻付出给孩子的成长和教育。在孩子成长的道路上,与医师顾问团队一起在建康方面保驾护航。

Yang, Yang, M.D., Ph.D, MBA
Graduated from National Northeastern University of Japan, M.D. Yang has been working in the world's best hospital St. Luke international hospital. Yang takes the importance of physical fitness and children‘s development highly, and hopes to work closely with consultant team to protect children’s mental and physical health.